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The Best and then there's the rest.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you have not yet guessed it by now, our economy is going through some strange occurrences. I am not going to diving into politics when I say this.

This is not politics and I will not dwell on how things got to this point. I am just going to share some insight on how these things are PROBABLY going to affect us.

The truth of the matter is, nobody really knows how ugly this can get. Nobody knows how long and whether or not things will change for the better or for the worst. It is too early to tell at the moment. In my professional opinion, supply chain will just run very slow. It does not mean that small businesses will never stock anything ever again. It just means, its gonna take a while and people will need to be patient and perhaps a bit frugal with the things that expire because getting them consistently will change.

We are in the jewelry business and we will certainly face SOME disturbances in what we carry. Right now, we have not yet had to raise prices. Our prices had already adjusted before this inflation situation hit. However, it is VERY likely that we will do another adjustment for the new year. A big part of this is mainly due to the fact that we do not place new projects near the end of the year. Our current projects are projects that have bee in the works for months before all the inflation talk. Once we are in need to restock our inventory for the new year, we will likely deal with some price hikes that are out of our control. Having said this, you have been warned. If you intend to get anything for yourself or someone else this holiday season, you have a little time, at least with us. I do not anticipate a hike until the new year begins and we start looking setting up for the new year.

Moving On

Introducing the new Sigil of Baphomet Sterling Silver Ring. This ring is simply unbelievable and incredible. SO much time has been invested in the details of this piece. THIS very piece was the first to be produced and believe it or not, it had its first costumer to go along for the wait. Boy, will he be excited when he sees it in real-time. The pics do this piece serious justice.

If you thought the previous version as impressive, now you are seeing just how far we pushed our boundaries with what we can do in quality and craftsmanship. This is an absolute astonishing work of art. The details says it all. Fine lines, dark spaces where they need to be, finely placed. The ring pops with beauty and aesthetics on all levels. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what a TRUE Satanic Jewelry company does. This is what separates the Experts from the Amateurs in Satanic Jewelry.

This piece has the prices already placed for the inflation woes so do not expect this to go up in price any time soon, This is a piece that is MADE IN AMERICA by American Hands and American Technology by an AMERICAN SATANIST.

Kaboom baby!

Thank you for believing in me when many doubted this would every be possible. Normalizing "Satanism" via the products we produce. The jewelry that represents our philosophy without the need to dress for occasion.

The Next Level in Sterling Silver

Lately, I have been hitting social media with ring pics. I had brought up the fact that a new ring was in the works, as I mentioned above. And yet, there is MORE NEWS to add to this story. This is why I had to call this segment the next level in Sterling Silver.

Sigil of Baphomet has made created alot of jewelry that has been knocked-off by Chinese producers that often times sell their products on sites like Ebay and Amazon. We are not the only brand to ever get knocked-off. We understand that some people cannot afford the better quality and for that, there will always exist a non-brand version out there in the marketplace. What can I say about that? Not much. There is no current remedy that will resolve this. Knowing our market is what we know well. We do jewelry and we know this space better than most. We understand what people are saying and thinking. We often times ask for feedback on facebook and instagram. So we get that some people will purchase these lesser quality pieces that unknown producers offer.

I mean, take a look at this piece. I don't need to tell you which one is ours and which one is someone else's. The detail, the quality, the craftsmanship; that is what sets us apart. This will always be the case with our designs. I cannot speak for other jewelry brands but I can certainly speak for mine. I listed to what people say and want. I understand what the market demands.

Until now, we have only produced the best of what we can bring to the marketplace. We are also working on adding alternatives that are not necessary produced by us but by others. Just recently we introduced Alchemy Gothic. They produce their items with English Pewter. Now, its a different type of metal than what I produce my brand in. Pewter is more softer and often times less expensive. Alchemy Gothic is a leading brand in English Pewter jewelry designs that are complex in comparison to what other pewter producing jewelry companies produced. Their designs are different than mine. I thought it would be great to introduce some of their work to the site as part of the options I wanted to add to sorta add some spice to the variety you can choose from. They are a fantastic brand.

Unbranded items like in the pic shown, is a direct insult to companies like mine and like Alchemy Gothic. I have seen some of their designs produced in stainless steel that highly resemble what they produced in English Pewter. It's an unfortunate circumstance and it happens more than we normally talk about. Alchemy Gothic does not sponsor me or my brand and I do not have any connection to them in anyway. These are my personal observations and opinions based on my own perspectives and experiences. I guess the case I am making here is simply to ask that you continue to support the brands that matter to you most. I started this blog with going into how our economy is getting tested lately. Whether it's a small label or a large label, it matters if you love their stuff. I get that its cheaper to buy off-brand, but it helps tremendously if you love and support brands like Sigil of Baphomet or even Alchemy Gothic, for that matter. Losing your support can put a dent in the growth and expansion of any business, big or small. We dedicated ourselves to create items that we could only dream of back in the 80's and 90's. Hell, these items are now a reality and they are only going to get better with time, ALL DUE THANKS TO YOU, the consumers who support us.

In saying all this, the next level in Sterling Silver jewelry will be for a company to produce jewelry in well, STERLING SILVER, RIGHT?? Right now, we have been offering sterling silver as a custom, made-to-order project only. However, we have good news to announce. We are currently working on producing some of our iconic pieces in sterling silver. We are working on producing Sigil of Baphomet rings in sterling silver that will be available to purchase at any given time. No more waiting for it. The other thing will be that these sterling silver pieces will be much more affordable. The price is all due to outsourcing this production to sources that we can rely on. They will not be made in China and they will not be made in America either. Unfortunately, the cost of silver in this economy is very high when we pay with U.S. dollars. Plus, the high cost of labor and other skills required to produce the absolute best is what makes for an expensive piece, which is what we currently already offer anyway, but for our less expensive line, its a different story.

Our less expensive options in silver will hopefully match closely to what we can produce in steel. Silver is more expensive and there may be some details lost in the production process. Something that just happens when coming off their casts. Part of making it less expensive also requires using less man power and less skill. Just to cover the basics on what we are trying to achieve is what we are aiming for. However, the silver will still come relatively close to what we already do. I do not anticipate that these items will be awful looking, of course not, that would be silly. However, I cannot guarantee that they will meet the beauty levels the pieces made in America already have. In the end, when it comes to jewelry, variety is the spice of life. There is something for every budget here. That is what we are aiming to do. In time, I am sure we will improvise our products. I mean, haven't you followed us since the beginning to know this? Expect this late 2021 and/or Spring 2022.

What's next?

If you are still reading this far down. THANKS! What's next is what I already have shared on social media so far. Coffin jewelry. We are starting with the Seal of Lucifer and we are planning on doing more symbols with this. We felt that Seal of Lucifer is so dominant and the fact that our site is well, catering to Satanism and occult, it felt proper to start with that. So to answer what you are probably thinking of, PENTAGRAM will be part of the next round. This is just the beginning.

Now that we have been dropping pics of the prototype, you will soon start seeing non-brand labels from China and other small-time sellers doing the same. Trying to produce their own spin on this concept. Its not a new concept but there is no doubt that we INFLUENCE others in many ways. They will really want to jump into the idea of doing this too. I cannot take credit for being one of the first for the coffin shape trend, but I do take credit for earlier designs that simply did not exist. So there's that, HAH!

So what do you guys think of all this? Looking forward to silver instead of steel? We will offer as much variety as possible and continue to expand into new ideas. We are not just a jewelry company like we started with. We have experimented into other ideas and we are likely to go in many directions in the months ahead. Your support will determine this path for us. I believe we will still keep jewelry as our mainstay because we have become so good at what we do. However, I am positive that you will also appreciate new items outside of the jewelry category in the near future.

And that's all folks!

Keep on Hailin' Satan!

~ Xerxes


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